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Results for search "Cancer: Pancreatic".

01 Aug

Cancer Rates Rising in Gen Xers and Millennials. The Question Is Why?

Researchers analyzed cancer incidence and mortality rates across generations and found a significant increase in many types of cancer among Generation X and millennials.

Health News Results - 40

08 Jul
Scientists Find Way to Reverse Chemo Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer Patients

Scientists Find Way to Reverse Chemo Resistance in Pancreatic Cancer Patients

Pancreatic cancer is particularly aggressive and difficult to treat, partly because it's often resistant to chemotherapy.

Researchers now think they know why chemo struggles to ...

24 Jun
Timing of Chemo Could Be Key to Pancreatic Cancer Outcomes

Timing of Chemo Could Be Key to Pancreatic Cancer Outcomes

Giving people with pancreatic cancer chemotherapy both before and after a tumor-removing surgery brought better outcomes than if they got the drugs only after the surgery, new research shows.

Researchers at the Yale Cancer Center (YCC) and Yale School of Medicin...

08 Apr
Blood Test Spots Early Pancreatic Cancers With 97% Accuracy

Blood Test Spots Early Pancreatic Cancers With 97% Accuracy

A blood test appears capable of detecting early-stage pancreatic cancers with up to 97% accuracy, a new study reports.

The test looks for eight small RNA particles and eight larger DNA markers shed by pancreatic cancers, which together create a genetic "signature"for the...

08 Apr
Therapeutic Vaccine Prevents Pancreatic Cancer's Recurrence in 3-Year Trial

Therapeutic Vaccine Prevents Pancreatic Cancer's Recurrence in 3-Year Trial

A pancreatic cancer vaccine has continued to protect a small group of patients from their cancer coming back, three years after receiving the jab, a new study says.

Eight patients have not had their pancreatic cancer recur for three years after their immune systems respo...

08 Apr
Immunotherapy Before Surgery Might Boost Pancreatic Cancer Survival

Immunotherapy Before Surgery Might Boost Pancreatic Cancer Survival

Pancreatic cancer patients may do better if they receive an immunotherapy drug as well as chemotherapy in preparation for surgery, new research suggests.

Pancreatic cancer is one of the toughest to treat. Only 12% of patients live more than five years after diagnosis. M...

27 Feb
Fat Around Men's Pancreas Might Raise Odds for Alzheimer's

Fat Around Men's Pancreas Might Raise Odds for Alzheimer's

Excess fat around your pancreas could bode ill for the health of your aging brain, new research shows.

But maybe only if you're male: The relationship wasn't observed among women, noted the team from Rutgers University in New Brunswick, N.J.

"In middle-aged males a...

18 Jan
Five-Year Survival for Pancreatic Cancer Has Risen to 13%

Five-Year Survival for Pancreatic Cancer Has Risen to 13%

Pancreatic cancer is known as a 'silent killer' because it's usually only detected in its later stages.

But there's a glimmer of good news for patients: The five-year survival rate for people with the disease has crept up to 13%, according to

17 Jan
U.S. Cancer Death Rates Are Falling, But News Isn't All Good

U.S. Cancer Death Rates Are Falling, But News Isn't All Good

Cancer deaths continue to decline in the United States, with more than 4 million deaths prevented since 1991, a new report shows.

But more people are developing cancers than ever, making the dreaded disease a continued threat to human health, according to the

09 Jan
Therapeutic Vaccine Could Fight Pancreatic Cancer

Therapeutic Vaccine Could Fight Pancreatic Cancer

Patients with the most common form of pancreatic cancer could benefit from an experimental therapeutic vaccine, a small new clinical trial shows.

The vaccine, called ELI-002 for now, is targeted to what are known as KRAS-mutated solid tumors. Over 90% of pancreatic tumor...

10 Nov
Science Reveals Link Between Obesity, Diabetes & Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Science Reveals Link Between Obesity, Diabetes & Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Having high insulin levels may be more than tough to manage when you have diabetes: New research shows it also appears to raise the risk of pancreatic cancer.

In the study, scientists found excessive insulin levels overstimulated pancreatic acinar cells, which produce di...

17 Aug
Could Ativan Pose Harm to People Battling Pancreatic Cancer?

Could Ativan Pose Harm to People Battling Pancreatic Cancer?

Sometimes patients with pancreatic cancer are prescribed the benzodiazepine lorazepam (Ativan) for anxiety, but that may be harming their health.

A new study found this treatment was linked to worse outcomes, with shorter survival times and faster disease progression. <...

16 Aug
Cancers, Especially Gastro Tumors, Are Rising Among Americans Under 50

Cancers, Especially Gastro Tumors, Are Rising Among Americans Under 50

Breast, colon and pancreatic cancer rates are increasing at concerning rates among America's young adults, a new study finds.

Breast cancer accounted for the most cases in adults under 50 between 2010 and 2019, but gastrointestinal cancer rates grew fastest among the ear...

03 Jul
Certain Cancers on the Rise Among Hispanic Americans

Certain Cancers on the Rise Among Hispanic Americans

Cancer death rates among Hispanic Americans have declined in general over the past two decades, but for certain cancers the outlook has only gotten worse, a new study finds.

First, the good news: Thanks to improvements in screening, diagnosis and treatment -- and a decli...

19 Jun
Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Slow-Growing and Often Curable

Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors: Slow-Growing and Often Curable

Pancreatic cancer is often considered a death sentence, typically aggressive and usually caught late, but there is one type of pancreatic cancer that is far more treatable.

While over 90% of pancreatic cancers are adenocarcinomas, the most aggressive and deadly type, pa...

26 May
Minimally Invasive Surgery May Be Good Option for People With Pancreatic Cancer

Minimally Invasive Surgery May Be Good Option for People With Pancreatic Cancer

Minimally invasive surgery works just as well as full-scale open surgery in removing early-stage pancreatic cancers, allowing patients a faster recovery with less infection risk, a new clinical trial has found.

The ability to remove all the cancer and the rate of cancer ...

11 May
Vaccine Slows Return of Pancreatic Cancer in Early Trial

Vaccine Slows Return of Pancreatic Cancer in Early Trial

A gene-targeted personalized vaccine may delay the return of pancreatic cancer according to a small, but promising, trial.

The mRNA vaccine, which was tailored to the genetic makeup of each patient's tumor, worked in half of those who received it during 18 months of foll...

03 May
Maria Menounos Reveals Battle Against Stage 2 Pancreatic Cancer

Maria Menounos Reveals Battle Against Stage 2 Pancreatic Cancer

Celebrity host Maria Menounos, who will become a mother this summer, revealed this week that she recently underwent surgery for pancreatic cancer.

The podcast host was diagnosed with stage 2 pancreatic cancer in January, a discovery made after she had episodes of intense...

27 Apr
Each Year Spent Working With Certain Chemicals Raises Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

Each Year Spent Working With Certain Chemicals Raises Risk of Pancreatic Cancer

Jobs that regularly expose you to certain chemicals appear to steadily increase your risk of pancreatic cancer, a new analysis reports.

People with more than 20 years of exposure to some chemical agents had a 39% increased risk of pancreatic cancer, compared with an 11% ...

17 Apr
Mouse Study Points to New Way to Shrink Pancreatic Tumors

Mouse Study Points to New Way to Shrink Pancreatic Tumors

New research in mice shows promise for a potential therapy for pancreatic cancer, which can be aggressive and hard to treat.

Researchers from Houston Methodist ...

05 Apr
Could Gut Microbes Affect Pancreatic Cancer Survival?

Could Gut Microbes Affect Pancreatic Cancer Survival?

Bacteria in the gut microbiome may be the key to why some patients survive pancreatic cancer long-term, despite its notoriously low survival rate.

Only about 9% of pancreatic cancer patients survive past five years.

Looking at the microbiomes of long-term pancreat...

24 Mar
Parts of Intestinal Scope Devices Can Break Off Inside Patients

Parts of Intestinal Scope Devices Can Break Off Inside Patients

A medical device used to diagnose and treat pancreatic and bile duct disease is getting attention from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration after pieces have fallen off and remained in patients' bodies.

Previously, the FDA had expressed

14 Feb
Pancreatic Cancer Rates Rising Faster Among Women

Pancreatic Cancer Rates Rising Faster Among Women

While rates of pancreatic cancer are increasing for both men and women, they're climbing the fastest among young women, particularly those who are Black.

"We can tell that the rate of pancreatic cancer among women is rising rapidly, which calls attention to the need for...

24 Jan
Chronic Pancreatitis: Surgery Can Help, But Healthy Lifestyle Is Key

Chronic Pancreatitis: Surgery Can Help, But Healthy Lifestyle Is Key

Many people who have surgery for chronic pancreatitis continue to have health struggles in the years afterward -- with some dying at a young age, a new study finds.

19 Nov
Don't Know the Signs of Pancreatic Cancer? You're Not Alone

Don't Know the Signs of Pancreatic Cancer? You're Not Alone

While pancreatic cancer is particularly deadly because there is no early detection test and only limited treatments, there are symptoms that can signal the disease, a leading pancreatic cancer nonprofit says.

Unfortunately, most Americans do not know what those signs are...

27 Oct
U.S. Cancer Death Rates Continue to Decline

U.S. Cancer Death Rates Continue to Decline

The latest statistics from the U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) show a continuing decline in the number of Americans who die from cancer, although there's been little change in the number of new cancer cases.

"From 2015 to 2019, overall cancer death rates decreased b...

10 Oct
New Test of Pancreatic Cysts Might Boost Cancer Detection

New Test of Pancreatic Cysts Might Boost Cancer Detection

Pancreatic cancer is often fatal, but a molecular test that can accurately distinguish benign cysts from those that could become cancerous may be a key to saving lives.

Researchers tested the technology -- called PancreaSeq -- to see if it could work in a clinical settin...

20 Jul
Regular Screening Pays Off for People at High Risk for Pancreatic Cancer

Regular Screening Pays Off for People at High Risk for Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer often has a dismal prognosis, but a new study finds that screening high-risk people can catch the disease early and extend lives.

Researchers at eight U.S. medical centers found that annual screening tests paid off for patients at high risk of pancreati...

02 Jun
Experimental Therapy May Be New Tool Against Pancreatic Cancer

Experimental Therapy May Be New Tool Against Pancreatic Cancer

In what could turn out to be a potential breakthrough in the treatment of pancreatic cancer, a new report suggests a key component of a patient's immune system can be rewired to assassinate tumo...

13 May
Gallstones Can Warn of Pancreatic Cancer Risk

Gallstones Can Warn of Pancreatic Cancer Risk

A diagnosis of pancreatic cancer may feel like a death sentence because this fast-moving disease is often discovered at a later stage, when it's harder to treat.

Now, a new study offers hope for earlier diagnosis, finding an association between recent

13 Apr
Black Patients Less Likely to Get Into Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials

Black Patients Less Likely to Get Into Pancreatic Cancer Clinical Trials

Black Americans are far less likely to be included in clinical trials of pancreatic cancer drugs than white Americans, and eligibility criteria are a significant factor in that gap, according to a new study.

"The standard of care in cancer treatment is informed by studie...

09 Mar
Could a Stool Test Help Spot Pancreatic Cancer?

Could a Stool Test Help Spot Pancreatic Cancer?

The key to detecting pancreatic cancer early enough to save lives might be found in patients' poop, a new study suggests.

A couple of dozen types of microbes found in stool samples are closely linked to pancreatic cancer, and potentially predict whether a person is at hi...

03 Mar
Cancer Patients May Be at Higher Odds for Rare Neurological Disorder

Cancer Patients May Be at Higher Odds for Rare Neurological Disorder

People with cancer may be at increased risk for a rare neurological disorder called Guillain-Barré syndrome, new research has found.

"Previous studies have suggested there may be a link between cancer and Guillain-Barré syndrome, but just how often people develop <...

24 Feb
Could Common Blood Pressure Meds Help Curb Pancreatic Cancer?

Could Common Blood Pressure Meds Help Curb Pancreatic Cancer?

Pancreatic cancer is notoriously difficult to treat and beat, but new research suggests that commonly prescribed high blood pressure drugs may boost survival in patients.

Known as angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (

12 Jan
Progress on Lung Cancer Drives Overall Decline in U.S. Cancer Deaths

Progress on Lung Cancer Drives Overall Decline in U.S. Cancer Deaths

A new report offers hope on the lung cancer front: Patients are being diagnosed at an earlier stage in their disease and living longer due to better access to care, higher screening rates and improved treatments.

And that is driving overall cancer rates down, researchers...

13 Nov
Are You at Risk for Pancreatic Cysts?

Are You at Risk for Pancreatic Cysts?

Pancreatic cysts can progress into cancer over time, an expert says, so it's important to identify and monitor patients with these growths.

Located between the stomach and the spine, the pancreas produces enzymes that help digest food and secretes hormones -- such as ins...

10 Nov
Two New Symptoms That Could Point to Pancreatic Cancer

Two New Symptoms That Could Point to Pancreatic Cancer

Researchers have identified two previously unrecognized symptoms of pancreatic cancer -- a discovery that might help with earlier detection and improve extremely low survival numbers, they say.

"When pancreatic cancer is diagnosed earlier, patients have a higher chance o...

25 Oct
Why Are Cases of Pancreatic Cancer Rising in Young Women?

Why Are Cases of Pancreatic Cancer Rising in Young Women?

In his work with patients who have pancreatic cancer, Dr. Srinivas Gaddam was bothered by something that he was seeing.

"There are some patients that you can't stop thinking about because they've left a mark on you and you try your best to turn things around, but there's...

13 Oct
Cancer Care Costs U.S. $156 Billion Per Year; Drugs a Major Factor

Cancer Care Costs U.S. $156 Billion Per Year; Drugs a Major Factor

Private insurers paid out about $156.2 billion in 2018 for U.S. patients with the 15 most common cancers.

Medication was the largest expense and drugs for breast, lung, lymphoma and colon cancers accounted for the largest chunk of those costs, according to a Penn State C...

12 Oct
Anti-Nausea Drug May Boost Survival for Some Cancer Patients

Anti-Nausea Drug May Boost Survival for Some Cancer Patients

Patients who undergo surgery for certain types of cancer may have better short-term survival if they receive a particular anti-nausea drug, a preliminary study suggests.

Among more than 74,000 patients who had cancer surgery, researchers found that those who received the...

18 Aug
Far Too Few People of Color in U.S. Pancreatic Cancer Trials

Far Too Few People of Color in U.S. Pancreatic Cancer Trials

Racial and ethnic minorities in the United States are severely underrepresented in clinical trials testing cutting-edge treatments for pancreatic cancer, researchers say.

"There are a ton of obstacles to get these patients into clinical trials," said senior author Dr. Jo...

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