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Results for search "Dizziness/Vertigo".

Health News Results - 4

10 Feb
Sen. John Fetterman's Hospitalization From 'Lightheadedness' Wasn't Another Stroke

Sen. John Fetterman's Hospitalization From 'Lightheadedness' Wasn't Another Stroke

FRIDAY, Feb. 10, 2023 (HealtDay News) -- Sen. John Fetterman, who suffered a stroke last May while campaigning for his Senate seat, remains hospitalized after being admitted on Wednesday for lightheadedness, but d...

14 Feb
Feel Dizzy When You Stand Up? Two Simple Steps Might Ease That

Feel Dizzy When You Stand Up? Two Simple Steps Might Ease That

Almost everyone has had a dizzy spell after standing up too quickly, but some people suffer them regularly. Now, a new study suggests two do-it-yourself ways to help.

The study focused on what's called initial

21 Jan
Hit Your Head? Look for These Warning Signs of Concussion

Hit Your Head? Look for These Warning Signs of Concussion

If you or someone you know has suffered a concussion, a medical evaluation is crucial, an expert says.

A concus...

13 Oct
Another Study Suggests Too Much Fish Oil Could Trigger A-Fib

Another Study Suggests Too Much Fish Oil Could Trigger A-Fib

A new study confirms that fish oil supplements may raise the risk of a common heart-rhythm disorder -- particularly when doses top 1 gram per day.

At issue are medications and supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids, which are naturally found in fish oil.

Fish i...