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Results for search "Heart Failure".

05 Sep

Cellphone Use and Heart Disease – The Link Looks Real, According to a New Study

A new study finds people who use their cellphone on a regular basis are more likely to be diagnosed with coronary heart disease, atrial fibrillation, heart failure and stroke. Poor sleep and mental distress linked to cellphone use may play a role.

Health News Results - 94

05 Sep
New 'AI Stethoscope' Can Spot Pregnancy-Linked Heart Failure

New 'AI Stethoscope' Can Spot Pregnancy-Linked Heart Failure

An AI-enhanced digital stethoscope can help doctors detect a potentially deadly form of heart failure that can occur late in pregnancy, a new clinical trial reports.

The AI-driven stethoscope was 12 times more likely than traditional methods to spot heart pump weakness t...

23 Aug
Wegovy Helps Patients With Heart Failure Avoid Heart Attack, Stroke

Wegovy Helps Patients With Heart Failure Avoid Heart Attack, Stroke

Research has already proven that the blockbuster weight-loss drug Wegovy (semaglutide) can slash a person's odds for heart attacks and strokes, and now more data from the same trial suggests that's even true for very ill patients with

10 Jul
Second Recipient of Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Has Died

Second Recipient of Genetically Modified Pig Kidney Has Died

The second person to receive a kidney from a genetically modified pig has died, surgeons at NYU Langone Health announced Tuesday.

The 54-year-old patient, Lisa Pisano, had both kidney failure and

25 Jun
Wegovy Helps Heart Failure Patients Lose Weight, Improve Symptoms

Wegovy Helps Heart Failure Patients Lose Weight, Improve Symptoms

Weight-loss drugs like Wegovy can improve symptoms in heart failure patients, a new clinical trial shows.

Both men and women showed improved heart function after a year on

17 May
Experimental Drug Helps Folks Battling Enlarged Heart Move More

Experimental Drug Helps Folks Battling Enlarged Heart Move More

An experimental drug can help patients better live with a genetic condition that causes the heart to enlarge and thicken, a new clinical trial shows.

People with the condition, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), were able to take in and use significantly more oxygen whil...

13 May
Wegovy Can Help Heart Failure Patients Reduce Meds: Study

Wegovy Can Help Heart Failure Patients Reduce Meds: Study

People with heart failure are often prescribed what are known as loop diuretic medications to help reduce the fluid buildup that's a hallmark of the disease.

Now, research suggests that taking the blockbuster weight loss drug Wegovy (

13 May
Yoga Can Help Heart Failure Patients Stay Strong

Yoga Can Help Heart Failure Patients Stay Strong

Yoga can help improve the long-term health of people with heart failure, a new study has found.

"Patients who practiced yoga on top of taking their...

24 Apr
Patient Gets First-Ever Pig Kidney Transplant Plus Heart Pump

Patient Gets First-Ever Pig Kidney Transplant Plus Heart Pump

New Jersey native Lisa Pisano was staring down the end of her days.

The 54-year-old had heart failure and end-stage kidney disease, but several chronic medical conditi...

19 Apr
A-Fib Is Strong Precursor to Heart Failure

A-Fib Is Strong Precursor to Heart Failure

The dangerous heart rhythm disorder known as atrial fibrillation is mainly known for increasing people's risk of stroke.

But people with A-F...

09 Apr
Wegovy Helps Those With Both Diabetes, Heart Failure: Study

Wegovy Helps Those With Both Diabetes, Heart Failure: Study

For people struggling with both diabetes and a common type of heart failure, the weight-loss drug Wegovy may do more for their health than help them shed pounds, new research suggests.

In the study, published Saturday in the

02 Apr
Vaping Could Raise Your Risk for Heart Failure

Vaping Could Raise Your Risk for Heart Failure

Think vaping is the "healthy" alternative to smoking?

Think again: A new study finds it raises people's odds for heart failure.

"More and more studies are linking e-cigarett...

28 Feb
Mom's Grief During Pregnancy Could Pass Heart Trouble to Her Child

Mom's Grief During Pregnancy Could Pass Heart Trouble to Her Child

Babies born to mothers who experience profound grief during pregnancy may be vulnerable to heart failure much later in life, new research suggests.

"If future studies support our findings, the implementation of early screening for risk factors such as obesity, hypertensi...

27 Feb
Fast-Food Outlets, Bars Aren't Great Neighbors for Your Heart

Fast-Food Outlets, Bars Aren't Great Neighbors for Your Heart

Living close to a pub, bar or fast-food restaurant doesn't do your heart any favors, a new study finds.

Folks who live in close proximity to such establishments have a higher risk of heart failure, compared to those who live farther away, researchers report in the Feb. 2...

26 Feb
Women Over 60: Here's How Many Daily Steps You Need to Avoid Heart Failure

Women Over 60: Here's How Many Daily Steps You Need to Avoid Heart Failure

Women might need a lot fewer daily steps to lower their risk of heart failure than they think, a new study suggests.

The usual recommendation is that people get 10,000 steps a day, but women ages 63 and older actually gain solid heart benefits from around 3,600 steps dai...

26 Feb
Faulty Pulse Oximeters Could Worsen Heart Failure in Black Patients

Faulty Pulse Oximeters Could Worsen Heart Failure in Black Patients

Pulse oximeters, devices that measure your blood's oxygen levels, are known to work less accurately in Black patients.

Now, new research suggests faulty readings might also be worsening the care of Black people who battle heart failure.

The findings could signal a ...

24 Jan
Heart Disease Still America's Top Killer, Although the Death Rate Has Declined

Heart Disease Still America's Top Killer, Although the Death Rate Has Declined

Heart disease remains the United States' top cause of death, but progress is being made and more lives are being saved, a new report finds.

There were 931,578 heart-related deaths in 2021, an increase of less than 3,000 from the year before, the report from the American ...

23 Jan
Flu, COVID Are Spreading: Protect Your Heart

Flu, COVID Are Spreading: Protect Your Heart

Flu and COVID are sweeping across the country, posing a particular hazard to people at risk for heart disease.

These respiratory infections can trigger heart complications from fever, dehydration and inflammation, experts from Mount Sinai Fuster Heart Hospital say.

22 Jan
Depression Can Strike Patients With Heart Failure, But Two Therapies Help

Depression Can Strike Patients With Heart Failure, But Two Therapies Help

Depression affects half of the 6 million Americans who struggle with debilitating heart failure.

Now, research shows that two leading modes of treatment -- antidepressants and an approach called behavioral activation psychotherapy -- work equally well to ease depression ...

12 Jan
Drug May Help Childhood Cancer Survivors Avoid Later Heart Failure

Drug May Help Childhood Cancer Survivors Avoid Later Heart Failure

Childhood cancer survivors are at increased risk of developing heart failure later in life, due to the chemotherapy that was used to save their lives.

But an already approved drug might help reduce that risk, according to a new report published Jan. 9 in

18 Dec
Neighborhoods Influence Whether or Not Folks Take Their Heart Failure Meds

Neighborhoods Influence Whether or Not Folks Take Their Heart Failure Meds

Heart failure is a major killer.

However, a new study finds that heart failure patients living in poorer neighborhoods are much less likely to pick up lifesaving meds from local pharmacies, compared to patients living in more affluent locales.

The reasons behind th...

15 Dec
Stem Cell Therapy Boosts Quality of Life for People With Advanced Heart Failure

Stem Cell Therapy Boosts Quality of Life for People With Advanced Heart Failure

Patients with advanced heart failure can benefit from stem cell therapy, a large, new clinical trial has found.

Injections of stem cells programmed to heal damaged heart tissue wound up improving overall quality of life for heart failure patients, compared to those who r...

06 Nov
Marijuana Use Could Raise Odds for Heart Attack, Heart Failure

Marijuana Use Could Raise Odds for Heart Attack, Heart Failure

People who regularly smoke medical marijuana may be increasing their risk for a heart attack, heart failure or stroke, new research suggests.

One study found that cannabis use among older patients increases the risk of heart attack or stroke by 20%. The second study foun...

26 Sep
Strike a Pose: Yoga Helps Heart Failure Patients

Strike a Pose: Yoga Helps Heart Failure Patients

Heart failure can make everyday activities and exercise tough to carry out, but yoga might be a beneficial add-on to standard care.

A new study from India finds this ancient practice improves quality of life and cardio functioning.

"Our patients observed impro...

25 Aug
Wegovy May Be Valuable New Option for Heart Failure Patients

Wegovy May Be Valuable New Option for Heart Failure Patients

Weight-loss drug Wegovy (semaglutide) and its diabetes-focused cousin, Ozempic, have already upended the treatment of both obesity and diabetes, with sales of both drugs skyrocketing.

Now, injected Wegovy could prove a boon for many patients battling heart failure, a new...

26 Jul
Step Counts Aren't Just for the Healthy: They Also Help Heart Failure Patients

Step Counts Aren't Just for the Healthy: They Also Help Heart Failure Patients

Wearable devices like smartwatches continually track physical activity, urging folks to take more daily steps for their health.

Now, a new study suggests this gentle technological nagging could be of great benefit to people whose hearts are giving out.

Heart failur...

18 Jul
Redlining May Raise Heart Failure Risk Among Black Americans

Redlining May Raise Heart Failure Risk Among Black Americans

In areas where Black Americans have been historically affected by discriminatory housing practices, there is higher heart failure risk, according to new research.

Researchers studying more than 2.3 million U.S. adults between 2014 and 2019 found that heart failure today ...

13 Jul
Could Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Fuel Heart Failure Risk?

Could Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Fuel Heart Failure Risk?

Call it a hand signal of sorts.

New research from Germany shows that the common nerve disorder carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), may be a harbinger for heart failure among older folks.

In a study of 164,000 people, those 60 years or older who had the condition, which c...

08 Jun
3 Men Rid Themselves of a Deadly Heart Condition. Finding Out How Might Help Others

3 Men Rid Themselves of a Deadly Heart Condition. Finding Out How Might Help Others

Patients who develop a devastating heart condition have new reason to hope after a study identified three men whose condition spontaneously reversed.

The condition is called transthyretin cardiac amyloidosis. It involves a buildup of sticky, toxic proteins that can lead ...

24 May
Large Study Supports Less Invasive Way to Treat 'Leaky' Heart Valves

Large Study Supports Less Invasive Way to Treat 'Leaky' Heart Valves

When one of the heart's valves springs a big leak, that can spell big trouble.

The good news: The condition, known as degenerative mitral regurgitation (DMR), is treatable using a minimally invasive intervention known as TEER (transcatheter edge-to-edge repair), a proced...

04 May
Do All Heart Attack Survivors Need Long-Term Beta Blocker Meds?

Do All Heart Attack Survivors Need Long-Term Beta Blocker Meds?

It's standard for heart attack survivors to take beta blocker medications for years afterward, but a new study suggests that may be unnecessary for people who've had a milder heart attack.

Researchers found that among heart attack survivors whose hearts still had n...

02 May
New 'E-Tattoo' Is Worn on Chest to Track Your Heart Health

New 'E-Tattoo' Is Worn on Chest to Track Your Heart Health

Could an electronic chest "tattoo"-- wireless, lightweight and razor-thin -- upend heart monitoring and lower the odds of heart disease for folks who are at high-risk?

Just possibly.

The clear patch in question is not quite 4 by 5 inches in size, weighs less than ...

14 Apr
Black Cancer Patients Much More Prone to Chemo-Linked Heart Trouble

Black Cancer Patients Much More Prone to Chemo-Linked Heart Trouble

Sometimes cancer, and the treatments meant to eradicate it, can damage the heart and blood vessels. Now, a new analysis finds that damage may be much more likely if the patient is Black.

Black patients had 71% higher odds of developing what is known as cardiotoxic...

22 Mar
When BMI Isn't Used as Measurement, Obesity's Health 'Benefit' Disappears

When BMI Isn't Used as Measurement, Obesity's Health 'Benefit' Disappears

Much has been made of the so-called "obesity paradox"-- the observation that people with a heart condition seem less likely to die if they are overweight or obese.

But European researchers now say they've debunked that theory, which was based on earlier research that rel...

07 Mar
Stick-on Sensor Could Warn of Heart Failure Complications

Stick-on Sensor Could Warn of Heart Failure Complications

A stick-on sensor may help keep people with heart failure out of the hospital, new research suggests.

Investigators found that when doctors had actionable information about patients' conditions, delivered remotely through this noninvasive device, it prompted them to adj...

24 Feb
Too Little Dietary Salt Can Mean Trouble for Heart Failure Patients

Too Little Dietary Salt Can Mean Trouble for Heart Failure Patients

It may seem counterintuitive, but a new study review suggests that consuming too little salt could be harmful to heart failure patients.

Doctors currently recommend a low-sodium diet to lower blood pressure and avoid fluid buildup and swelling, which can be common sympt...

23 Feb
Lifelong Bachelors Fare Worse When Heart Failure Strikes

Lifelong Bachelors Fare Worse When Heart Failure Strikes

When heart failure strikes, being a lifelong bachelor may mean you might die sooner than women or previously married men diagnosed with the same condition, a new study suggests.

Lifetime marital history appears to be an important predictor of survival in men with heart ...

02 Feb
How Phone Calls Could Boost Survival for Heart Failure Patients

How Phone Calls Could Boost Survival for Heart Failure Patients

A phone call from a nurse may be the lifeline needed to help improve survival for heart failure patients.

New research from the Smidt Heart Institute at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles finds that check-in calls may help save lives.

"There's a lot of new technology an...

01 Feb
Sepsis Raises Odds for Heart Failure After Hospital Discharge

Sepsis Raises Odds for Heart Failure After Hospital Discharge

Having sepsis -- a life-threatening response to infection -- may put patients at risk for future heart failure and rehospitalization, according to a new study.

Sepsis is an extreme immune response to an infection in the body. It can cause that infection to spread throug...

27 Jan
Risks for Heart Failure Rise in Rural America

Risks for Heart Failure Rise in Rural America

Adults who live in rural areas, and Black men in particular, are at much higher risk for developing heart failure.

Heart failure is a chronic, progressive condition that develops when the heart fails to pump enough blood for the body's needs.

Researchers from the ...

19 Jan
Is There a Best Diuretic Drug for Heart Failure?

Is There a Best Diuretic Drug for Heart Failure?

It doesn't matter which water pill you're prescribed to treat your heart failure, because new trial data shows that one works as well as the other.

Two diuretics widely used to treat heart failure, furosemide and torsemide, showed no difference in their ability to improv...

12 Dec
Herbals, Yoga, Ginkgo: What Alternative Treatments Help Fight Heart Failure?

Herbals, Yoga, Ginkgo: What Alternative Treatments Help Fight Heart Failure?

It's tempting to follow the latest trend when it comes to health care, but for patients who live with heart failure, some alternative treatments could have serious consequences.

To address the issue, the American Heart Association (AHA) has published a new scientific st...

12 Dec
Climate Change's Extreme Temperatures Could Mean More Heart Deaths

Climate Change's Extreme Temperatures Could Mean More Heart Deaths

Both extremely hot and very cold days take their toll on people who have heart disease, particularly those with heart failure.

A new multinational analysis of 32 million heart-related deaths over the past 40 years found more occurred on days with severe temperatures, an ...

02 Dec
Cases of Meth-Linked Heart Failure Are Spreading Worldwide

Cases of Meth-Linked Heart Failure Are Spreading Worldwide

Methamphetamine wreaks havoc on the heart, warns new research that shows heart failure rates linked to the illicit drug are on the rise around the world.

Not only are these cases increasing, but they are more severe than traditional heart failure cases and they are stri...

17 Nov
Flu Shot Could Be Lifesaver for Folks With Heart Failure

Flu Shot Could Be Lifesaver for Folks With Heart Failure

People battling heart failure should make the time to get their flu shots now, a new study suggests.

Not only will the shots help prevent influenza in this high-risk group, but it could also reduce pneumonia infections and cardiac complications, researchers report.


10 Nov
Raise Med Dosages in Weeks After Heart Failure Crisis for Better Outcome: Study

Raise Med Dosages in Weeks After Heart Failure Crisis for Better Outcome: Study

When people with heart failure wind up in the hospital, it tends to become a slippery slope: They are more likely to be readmitted or die within six months during this vulnerable period.

Now, new research shows that ramping up doses of three heart failure medications wit...

08 Nov
Study Compares 2 Common Diuretics Used in Heart Failure

Study Compares 2 Common Diuretics Used in Heart Failure

Patients with heart failure are often prescribed a diuretic or "water pill" to prevent fluid buildup. A new study has found that two often-prescribed medications work equally well at reducing deaths.

"Given that the two different therapies provide the same effect on out...

31 Oct
Hearts From Donors Who Had COVID Are Safe for Transplant

Hearts From Donors Who Had COVID Are Safe for Transplant

A person with heart failure in dire need of a new heart may have faced delays in getting one during the pandemic when potential donors tested positive f...

19 Oct
Black Americans Less Likely to Get Lifesaving Heart Treatments

Black Americans Less Likely to Get Lifesaving Heart Treatments

A person with advanced heart failure may often need a heart transplant or a mechanical heart pump to survive.

But white patients are twice as like...

22 Sep
A Hotter World Can Worsen Heart Failure

A Hotter World Can Worsen Heart Failure

Climate change could spell trouble for those with heart failure, a new study suggests.

When the temperatures soared in France during the summer of 2019, the heat wave appears to have worsened the conditions of heart...

26 Aug
Smoking Can Really Weaken the Heart

Smoking Can Really Weaken the Heart

Smoking is even worse for your heart than you might already think, new Danish research warns.

"It is well known that smoking causes blocked arteries...

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