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Results for search "Heart Attack: Demographics".

Health News Results - 22

06 Sep
U.S. Heart Deaths Linked to Obesity Have Tripled in 20 Years

U.S. Heart Deaths Linked to Obesity Have Tripled in 20 Years

Obesity taxes many parts of the body, but new research suggests the heart might take the hardest hit of all.

Between 1999 and 2020, deaths from heart disease linked to obesity tripled in the United States, and some groups were more vulnerable than others.


15 Aug
Heart Disease Targets Black Americans and Poverty, Unemployment Are Big Reasons Why

Heart Disease Targets Black Americans and Poverty, Unemployment Are Big Reasons Why

What researchers call 'social factors' are largely responsible for Black Americans having a greater risk of death from heart disease than whites, according to a new study.

Among the social factors that contribute to this racial disparity are unemployment, low income, lac...

06 Jun
Another Reason to Hate Mondays: Higher Risk for Severe Heart Attacks

Another Reason to Hate Mondays: Higher Risk for Severe Heart Attacks

Monday can be a downer as folks leave weekend play behind. Now, researchers say Monday might also be the most common day for deadly heart attacks.

Doctors at the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust and the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland determined this by analyzin...

24 Apr
Psychotherapy's Hidden Bonus: Healthier Hearts

Psychotherapy's Hidden Bonus: Healthier Hearts

Treating depression with talk therapy may provide protection against heart disease, new research suggests.

As depression lifts, people may begin to engage more in healthy eating and exercise, investigators believe.


02 Feb
Do You Live in a 'Food Swamp'? It Could Be Raising Your Heart Risk

Do You Live in a 'Food Swamp'? It Could Be Raising Your Heart Risk

Americans who live near a "food swamp" may have a higher risk of suffering a stroke, a preliminary study finds.

A number of studies have looked at the health consequences of living in a so-called food desert -- areas with few grocery stores or other options for buying fr...

01 Feb
Many Young Americans Don't Realize Heart Attacks Can Hit Them Too: Poll

Many Young Americans Don't Realize Heart Attacks Can Hit Them Too: Poll

Dave Conway had a heart attack in 2018. He was only 30.

The Clintonville, Ohio, resident had been experiencing fatigue and shortness of breath, finally going to the emergency room with what he thought was pneumonia. Instead, he learned he'd had a "widowmaker"heart attack...

01 Nov
Impact of Racism Could Slow Recovery After Heart Attack

Impact of Racism Could Slow Recovery After Heart Attack

Discrimination doesn't just cause emotional pain in the moment, it may affect a victim's physical recovery from a heart attack, new research suggests.

In studying more than 2,600 heart attack survivors between the ages of 18 and 55, researchers found that those reporting...

21 Sep
HIV & Hepatitis Can Be Deadly Combo for the Heart

HIV & Hepatitis Can Be Deadly Combo for the Heart

As people with HIV age, their odds for heart attack rise -- and those with untreated hepatitis C have an even higher risk, a new study finds.

"HIV and hepatitis C co-infec...

14 Sep
Deadly Form of High Cholesterol Can Catch Black Americans by Surprise

Deadly Form of High Cholesterol Can Catch Black Americans by Surprise

Chad Gradney underwent quadruple bypass open-heart surgery at age 27, and afterward spent eight fruitless years battling extremely high cholesterol levels.

Then in 2012 he found himself back in an emergency room, again suffering from chest pain.

"That's when I foun...

08 Aug
Early Menopause Could Mean More Heart Trouble Later

Early Menopause Could Mean More Heart Trouble Later

Women who go into menopause when they are younger than 40 are at greater risk of heart problems, reports a new Korean study of more than 1.4 million females.

Women with premature menopause had an...

26 Jul
Want to Live Longer? Exercise Is Key, Study Confirms

Want to Live Longer? Exercise Is Key, Study Confirms

Middle-aged people could add years to their lives just by getting off the couch and going for a walk every day -- though it wouldn't hurt to do even more, a large new study suggests.

The researchers followed over 100,000 Americans for decades and found what many have sho...

24 May
Making U.S. Cities Greener Could Have Saved Thousands of Lives

Making U.S. Cities Greener Could Have Saved Thousands of Lives

Creating more parks and other green spaces could have prevented tens of thousands of deaths in dozens of large U.S. cities over the past two decades, a new study says.


23 May
Lower Incomes May Mean Lower Survival After Heart Attack

Lower Incomes May Mean Lower Survival After Heart Attack

If you're poor and have a severe type of heart attack, the chance you'll live through it is significantly lower than that of someone with more money, new research shows.

The finding

06 May
Smoking-Plus-Vaping No Healthier Than Smoking on Its Own

Smoking-Plus-Vaping No Healthier Than Smoking on Its Own

Some smokers use e-cigarettes to try to kick the habit, but new research shows mixing smoking and vaping is no better for your heart health than just smoking.

Among 24,000 ...

05 May
Could Student Loan Debt Threaten Your Health?

Could Student Loan Debt Threaten Your Health?

As the Biden Administration weighs the possibility of broad student loan forgiveness, a new study finds that people mired in student debt face a heightened risk of heart disease by middle age.

The findings are not the first to suggest that

05 May
Americans Now Living Longer After Heart Attack

Americans Now Living Longer After Heart Attack

Long-term survival after a heart attack has improved significantly overall among Medicare beneficiaries, although poorer people and Black Americans have been left behind, a new study claims.


23 Mar
Heat Waves Tied to Climate Change Are Upping U.S. Heart Deaths

Heat Waves Tied to Climate Change Are Upping U.S. Heart Deaths

An increase in heat waves driven by climate change is causing hundreds more heart disease deaths in the United States each year, with men and Black people at particular risk, researchers say.

Each year, the United States now has about three times as many heat waves as in...

23 Mar
Firefighters Face Higher Odds for Heart Trouble

Firefighters Face Higher Odds for Heart Trouble

The more blazes firefighters battle, the higher their risk for a heart rhythm disorder called atrial fibrillation (a-fib), a new study shows.

"Clinicians who care for firefighters need to be aware of the increased

18 Feb
Risk for Parkinson's Disease Falls After a Heart Attack

Risk for Parkinson's Disease Falls After a Heart Attack

A new study hints that heart attack survivors may have an unusual advantage over other people: a slightly lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease.

Researchers found that compared with similar people who had never suffered a heart attack, survivors were 20% less like...

05 Oct
Black Americans Still at Higher Risk for Heart Trouble

Black Americans Still at Higher Risk for Heart Trouble

Black Americans have been persistently hard-hit with heart disease risk factors for the past 20 years -- and social issues like unemployment and low income account for a good deal of it, a new study finds.

Cardiovascular disease, which includes heart disease and stroke, ...

03 Sep
Transgender People Face Twice the Odds for Early Death: Study

Transgender People Face Twice the Odds for Early Death: Study

Transgender people have double the odds of dying early compared to folks whose identity matches the sex they were assigned at birth (cisgender), a long-term study finds.

And the added risk did not decrease over time, according to an analysis of data collected from more t...

01 Sep
Mind & Body: Marriage, City Living May Help When Heart Disease Strikes

Mind & Body: Marriage, City Living May Help When Heart Disease Strikes

Feelings of despair and hopelessness can raise the odds of death in people battling heart disease, and new research suggests that where you live, as well as your marital status, can also play a role.

The study found that heart disease patients who lived in rural areas an...