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Results for search "Economic Status".

Health News Results - 147

16 Jul
Could Living in Poor Neighborhoods Fuel Prostate Cancer in Black Men? Study Says It Might

Could Living in Poor Neighborhoods Fuel Prostate Cancer in Black Men? Study Says It Might

The stress of living in a poor neighborhood might contribute to higher rates of aggressive prostate cancer in Black men, a new study warns.

Black men are more th...

12 Jul
Older Adults More Stressed About Inflation, Hold Off on Health Care

Older Adults More Stressed About Inflation, Hold Off on Health Care

Financial stress persists even though rising inflation rates have eased, and the group feeling the pinch most acutely is in its peak earning years, a new poll shows.

"Our biggest surprise from this poll is that the age group most likely to be affected or stressed by pres...

04 Jul
When Bills Become an Issue, Couples Stop Communicating

When Bills Become an Issue, Couples Stop Communicating

If you and your partner fall silent when vexing money issues arise, new research suggests you are not alone.

A team from Cornell University found that the more stressed people were about their finances, the less likely they were to discuss those concerns with their roman...

28 Mar
Living in Poor Neighborhoods Nearly Doubles Risk of Heart Attacks, Stroke

Living in Poor Neighborhoods Nearly Doubles Risk of Heart Attacks, Stroke

Living in a poor and unhealthy neighborhood could nearly double a person's risk of heart disease and stroke, a new study says.

The findings indicate that all the fa...

08 Feb
Survey Shows Transgender, Nonbinary People Suffer Financial Strife, Stigma

Survey Shows Transgender, Nonbinary People Suffer Financial Strife, Stigma

Preliminary data from the largest survey examining the quality of life for transgender and nonbinary Americans show they suffer high levels of unemployment and harassment.

In the early findings, released Wednesday, the National Ce...

25 Oct
Heart Patients From Poor Neighborhoods Less Likely to Get Cardiac Rehab

Heart Patients From Poor Neighborhoods Less Likely to Get Cardiac Rehab

Older adults who live in distressed or disadvantaged communities are less likely to attend cardiac rehabilitation after common heart procedures, new research shows.

The study looked at Medicare beneficiaries' attendance at these medically supervised exercise and educatio...

16 Oct
Biden Administration Moves to Boost Health Care to the Homeless

Biden Administration Moves to Boost Health Care to the Homeless

A new rule allows health care providers to be reimbursed for treating homeless people wherever the...

11 Oct
Job Worries Are Keeping Americans Awake at Night: Survey

Job Worries Are Keeping Americans Awake at Night: Survey

Americans are losing sleep over worries about money, a new survey reveals.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) polled abo...

29 Sep
Want a Healthy Old Age? Get Your Finances in Order Now

Want a Healthy Old Age? Get Your Finances in Order Now

Planning for your long-term financial future doesn't just make good economic sense -- it could also save your life.

People in both the United States and the United Kingdom have a higher risk of dying prematurely if they aren't engaged in long-term financial planning, acc...

29 Sep
Childbirth Can Leave New Parents in Serious Medical Debt

Childbirth Can Leave New Parents in Serious Medical Debt

New parents bringing home their bundle of joy often carry something else with them as they leave the hospital: medical debt.

That's according to new research from Michigan Medicine that found postpartum women are more likely to have medical debt than those who are pregna...

28 Sep
Job Loss Within Couples Ups Odds for Miscarriage, Stillbirth

Job Loss Within Couples Ups Odds for Miscarriage, Stillbirth

A new study suggests there may be a link between job loss and miscarriage or stillbirth.

The risk of miscarriage or stillbirth doubled after a pregnant woman or her partner lost a job, European researchers found. Their study was published Sept. 28 in the journal

21 Sep
Gun Injuries Rise as Neighborhoods Gentrify

Gun Injuries Rise as Neighborhoods Gentrify

As working class neighborhoods gentrify, you'll likely see rents rise, pricey restaurants move in -- and maybe also a rise in gunshot wounds, researchers say.

In U.S. neighborhoods that gentrified, gun injuries were 62% higher than they were in similar neighborhoods that...

18 Sep
Older Americans' Finances Decline in Years Before Dementia Diagnosis

Older Americans' Finances Decline in Years Before Dementia Diagnosis

Perhaps succumbing to fraudsters or facing mounting bills, older Americans begin losing wealth in the years preceding a definitive dementia diagnosis, new research shows.

For example, the median household net worth of the seniors in the study dropped by more than half in...

06 Sep
Besides Boosting Health, a Vegan Diet Might Save You Money

Besides Boosting Health, a Vegan Diet Might Save You Money

Going vegan doesn't have to mean going broke, with new research finding that steering clear of meat and dairy can lower food costs by about 16%.

"A vegan diet based on fruits, vegetables, grains and beans has always been a more affordable diet than one that includes mea...

01 Sep
Too Much Paperwork Is Delaying Cancer Patients' Care, Study Finds

Too Much Paperwork Is Delaying Cancer Patients' Care, Study Finds

Red tape is getting in the way of cancer patients receiving the treatment they crucially require, a new study has found.

Patients were 18% more likely to experience cancer care delays or be unable to stick to a treatment plan if they had to fill out a lot of paperwork, c...

31 Aug
Poorer Neighborhoods Linked to Higher Asthma Rates in Kids

Poorer Neighborhoods Linked to Higher Asthma Rates in Kids

When factoring in why children get asthma, a child's neighborhood may be important to consider.

New research finds that living in a neighborho...

24 Aug
Nearing Retirement, America's Lower-Middle Class Faces Increasingly Bad Health

Nearing Retirement, America's Lower-Middle Class Faces Increasingly Bad Health

The American middle-class squeeze has grown even worse in recent years, with many in the "forgotten middle"facing financial pressure and poor health as they near retirement age, a new study reports.

Essentially, the U.S. middle class has split in two, and those relegated...

24 Aug
Extreme Heat Taxes the Brain, and Some Face Higher Risks

Extreme Heat Taxes the Brain, and Some Face Higher Risks

With 2023 predicted to be the hottest year on record, a new study is pointing to another potential consequence of heat waves: faster declines in older adults' memory and thinking skills.

16 Aug
Race, Income Big Factors in Deaths After U.S. Hurricanes

Race, Income Big Factors in Deaths After U.S. Hurricanes

Death rates skyrocket during extreme weather events among the most vulnerable Americans, especially those from minority groups.

A study looking at hurricanes over more than three decades showed that their impacts varied and were driven by differences in social, economic...

15 Aug
Heart Disease Targets Black Americans and Poverty, Unemployment Are Big Reasons Why

Heart Disease Targets Black Americans and Poverty, Unemployment Are Big Reasons Why

What researchers call 'social factors' are largely responsible for Black Americans having a greater risk of death from heart disease than whites, according to a new study.

Among the social factors that contribute to this racial disparity are unemployment, low income, lac...

14 Aug
Post-Pandemic End to Food Assistance Programs Meant 2 Million More Americans Went Hungry

Post-Pandemic End to Food Assistance Programs Meant 2 Million More Americans Went Hungry

The federal government recently stopped pandemic-related emergency food aid, leaving perhaps 2 million more Americans without enough to eat.

Emergency allotments in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), also known as food stamps, ended in March in all sta...

28 Jun
Growing Up Poor May Rewire a Child's Brain: Study

Growing Up Poor May Rewire a Child's Brain: Study

Growing up in poverty may harm the structural wiring of a child's brain, a new study claims.

Researchers from Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found a link between both neighborhood and household poverty and the brain's white matter tracts. These let...

07 Jun
As Medical Debt Rises, So Do Cancer Death Rates

As Medical Debt Rises, So Do Cancer Death Rates

Folks who are loaded down with medical debt are less likely to survive a bout of cancer, a new study reports.

Researchers found that U.S. counties where more residents have medical debt in collections also had more cancer deaths, compared to counties with less medical de...

16 May
Inflation Is Really Stressing Americans Out

Inflation Is Really Stressing Americans Out

The high cost of -- everything: Rising inflation rates are ramping up anxieties among some groups of Americans much more than others, a new study reports.

Women, middle-age adults and people with less education or lower pay are feeling much more stress over higher price...

04 May
In Poorer Households, Quitting Smoking May Help Boost Food Supply

In Poorer Households, Quitting Smoking May Help Boost Food Supply

Quitting smoking may leave you with more money for food.

Having a tobacco smoker quit is not just a boon to lung health. In poorer families, it can also help prevent hunger, according to new research from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.

"We aim...

03 May
State Anti-Poverty Programs Help Kids' Brains Stay Healthy

State Anti-Poverty Programs Help Kids' Brains Stay Healthy

In U.S. states that provide financial assistance for low-income families, the difference is evident in children's brains, researchers report.

Their study found disparities in brain structure between children from high-income households compared to low-income households....

01 May
Struggles With COVID Left Many Americans With Medical Debt

Struggles With COVID Left Many Americans With Medical Debt

While COVID-19's toll on health and wellness has been obvious, the virus has also hit people in the wallet.

A new study links surviving COVID to ...

21 Apr
Pandemic Saw Rise in Mistrust of Childhood Vaccines Worldwide

Pandemic Saw Rise in Mistrust of Childhood Vaccines Worldwide

While overall support for childhood vaccines remains strong, a new UNICEF report documents a significant decline in the public's faith in the importance of these vaccines.

Confidence in childhood immunizations dropped by up to 44 percentage points in some countries durin...

20 Apr
Many Disabled Americans and Single Parents Face Hunger

Many Disabled Americans and Single Parents Face Hunger

Many Americans went hungry in 2021, including disproportionate numbers of people with disabilities and single parents, a new government report shows.

Experts are concerned that things may have only gotten worse.

"These data likely do not reflect what is going on cu...

20 Apr
Neighborhoods May Matter When It Comes to Epilepsy

Neighborhoods May Matter When It Comes to Epilepsy

For people with epilepsy, living in lower-income neighborhoods is associated with worse mental functioning, new research suggests.

For the study, the researchers looked at the memory, thinking ability and mental health of people with epilepsy, and found differences based...

20 Apr
Got PAD? Income, Race Could Affect Outcomes Such as Amputation

Got PAD? Income, Race Could Affect Outcomes Such as Amputation

Patients with a common vascular disease that causes blockages in their leg vessels had both worse symptoms and outcomes if they were Black or poor, new research finds.

The study from Michigan Medicine looked at more than 7,000 patients with peripheral arterial disease (...

18 Apr
America's 4th Leading Cause of Death: Poverty

America's 4th Leading Cause of Death: Poverty

Poverty is the fourth-greatest cause of death in the United States, according to new research.

Researchers at the University of California, Riverside estimate that poverty was associated with 183,000 deaths in 2019 among people 15 years and older.

And that's ...

12 Apr
Cancer's Financial Toll on Couples Hurts Both Partners

Cancer's Financial Toll on Couples Hurts Both Partners

Financial stress and work lost to cancer treatment affects patients and their partners alike.

Partners also experienced pain, fatigue and sleep issues owing to these fiscal worries,

14 Mar
Most Americans With Medical Debt Owe Money to Hospitals

Most Americans With Medical Debt Owe Money to Hospitals

When Americans have medical debt, it's typically to a hospital, according to new research.

The Urban Institute found that more than 15% of non-elderly adults in the United States have past-due medical debt. Nearly 73% owe some or all of that money to hospitals.


06 Mar
Young Americans Face Rising Rates of Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes

Young Americans Face Rising Rates of Obesity, High Blood Pressure, Diabetes

Young adults in the United States carry an increasing burden of heart health risk factors, making it more likely they'll suffer a heart attack and stroke as they age, a new study warns.

More adults ages 20 to 44 are obese and diabetic than a decade ago, and they are more...

02 Feb
Do You Live in a 'Food Swamp'? It Could Be Raising Your Heart Risk

Do You Live in a 'Food Swamp'? It Could Be Raising Your Heart Risk

Americans who live near a "food swamp" may have a higher risk of suffering a stroke, a preliminary study finds.

A number of studies have looked at the health consequences of living in a so-called food desert -- areas with few grocery stores or other options for buying fr...

16 Jan
Hundreds of Hospitals Could Close Across Rural America

Hundreds of Hospitals Could Close Across Rural America

Hundreds of rural hospitals across the United States are teetering on the edge of closure, with their financial status increasingly in peril, a new report reveals.

More than 200 rural hospitals are at immediate risk of closure because they aren't making enough money to c...

29 Dec
It's Getting Tougher to Afford Health Care, Even With Employer-Sponsored Insurance

It's Getting Tougher to Afford Health Care, Even With Employer-Sponsored Insurance

Most working-age Americans get health insurance through their employer, but even they are finding it tougher to afford medical care these days, a new study shows.

Researchers found that over the past 20 years, a growing number of Americans with job-based health insurance...

29 Dec
As Eviction Rates Rise, So Do Local Death Rates, U.S. Study Finds

As Eviction Rates Rise, So Do Local Death Rates, U.S. Study Finds

Being evicted can have a significant impact on a person's health, according to new research.

In U.S. counties where eviction rates were elevated, death rates were higher for all causes, especially if those areas were home to a higher proportion of Black residents and wom...

14 Dec
Move to Electric Cars Will Save Lives Plus Billions in Health Care Costs

Move to Electric Cars Will Save Lives Plus Billions in Health Care Costs

As the United States moves towards a world in which electric vehicles (EVs) have fully replaced fossil fuel-driven engines, can Americans look forward to reliably cleaner air and better health?


14 Dec
Loss of Bees Could Harm Health of Millions of People

Loss of Bees Could Harm Health of Millions of People

Bees, in their role as master pollinators, increase crop yields, leading to more production of healthy fruits, vegetables and nuts.

But new research claims that the challenges these important insects face from changes in land use, harmful pesticides and climate change i...

13 Dec
Insulin Pumps Ease Diabetes Care. So Why Are Black Patients Less Likely to Get One?

Insulin Pumps Ease Diabetes Care. So Why Are Black Patients Less Likely to Get One?

Insulin pumps can help folks with type 1 diabetes get better control of their disease and minimize how often they inject insulin, and use of the devices has taken off in the past 20 years.

That's the good news from a

12 Dec
Race, Income Can Determine Blood Cancer Outcomes, Studies Show

Race, Income Can Determine Blood Cancer Outcomes, Studies Show

If someone is stricken with a blood cancer or life-threatening clot, they'll probably fare better if they are white and wealthy, three new studies show.

The ongoing impact of patient race and income to medical outcomes was in the spotlight Saturday in New Orleans at...

07 Dec
U.S. States With Tighter Access to Welfare Payments Have More Kids in Foster Care

U.S. States With Tighter Access to Welfare Payments Have More Kids in Foster Care

Researchers have discovered a link between access to welfare payments and foster care.

As many as 29,000 fewer children may have entered the foster care system during the 12-year study if U.S. states had made it easier for poor families to receive cash through the feder...

23 Nov
Food Banks Save Needy Families Up to $1,000 Per Year

Food Banks Save Needy Families Up to $1,000 Per Year

Millions of Americans will enjoy a hot, nutritious Thanksgiving meal thanks to their local food pantry, often staffed by volunteers. Now, new research spotlights just how important these charities are.

Families who rely on pantries for food assistance come away with $6...

18 Nov
As Segregation Rises in Communities, So Do Cancer Death Rates

As Segregation Rises in Communities, So Do Cancer Death Rates

Whether you survive a bout with cancer may depend, in part, on where you live.

Researchers at the American Cancer Society and Clemson University in South Carolina found a 20% higher death rate for all cancer types in the communities with the most racial and economic segr...

15 Nov
Many Insured Americans Are an Injury Away From Bankruptcy: Study

Many Insured Americans Are an Injury Away From Bankruptcy: Study

One in 5 privately insured American adults hospitalized for a traumatic injury end up with medical bills they can't pay, a new study finds.

Among more than 3,100 working-aged insured adults who suffered a traumatic injury, the risk of incurring co-pays and deductibles th...

10 Nov
U.S. Immigrants' Premiums, Taxes Exceed Health Care Expenditures: Study

U.S. Immigrants' Premiums, Taxes Exceed Health Care Expenditures: Study

In a finding that challenges the notion that immigrants are freeloaders in the American health care system, a new study shows they are paying a lot more through health care premiums and related taxes than they actually use in care.

In fact, the amount that immigrants pa...

01 Nov
Travel Times to Abortion Facilities Have Lengthened After Dobbs Decision: Study

Travel Times to Abortion Facilities Have Lengthened After Dobbs Decision: Study

A new analysis illustrates the impact of the U.S. Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade: In numerous states, women now have no choice but to travel long distances to get an abortion.

One-third of American women of reproductive age must now drive excessive dist...

24 Oct
U.S. Child Hunger Spiked in Weeks After Child Tax Credits Repealed

U.S. Child Hunger Spiked in Weeks After Child Tax Credits Repealed

Child tax credits had a huge impact in U.S. households that struggle to afford food.

And after