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Results for search "Overweight Kids".

Health News Results - 29

15 Feb
School Uniforms Might Get in the Way of Kids Exercising

School Uniforms Might Get in the Way of Kids Exercising

THURSDAY, Feb. 15, 2024 (Health Day News) -- Schools that want little girls to get plenty of exercise might want to rethink their dress code.

A University of Cambridge study of more than 1 million kids in 135 countries found that in countries where most students wear sch...

11 Aug
Obesity a Key Factor When Kids Develop Sleep Apnea

Obesity a Key Factor When Kids Develop Sleep Apnea

Childhood obesity is concerning for many reasons, among them that the severity of the sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) grows with obesity levels and age.


14 Jul
Racial Discrimination Raises Risk for Childhood Obesity

Racial Discrimination Raises Risk for Childhood Obesity

Racial discrimination may drive health inequities from an early age, according to researchers who found that it puts kids at risk for obesity.

"Exposure to racial discrimination must be acknowledged as both a social determinant of obesity and a significant contributor to...

12 Jul
Obesity, Overweight Shrinks Survival Rates Against Childhood Leukemia

Obesity, Overweight Shrinks Survival Rates Against Childhood Leukemia

A growing obesity epidemic may affect the outcome of treatment for those dealing with cancer, according to a new study of adults and teens being treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).

Researchers called for further study of how weight affects the response to dif...

10 Jul
In Study, Almost Half of Obese Teens Were No Longer So After Taking Wegovy/Ozempic

In Study, Almost Half of Obese Teens Were No Longer So After Taking Wegovy/Ozempic

The drugs Wegovy and Ozempic are all the rage for weight loss these days, and now a new study shows these injections may be game-changers for obese teenagers, too.

This trial, funded by drug maker Novo Nordisk, found that nearly half of all adolescents on sema...

06 Jun
More U.S. Kids, Teens Are Getting Weight-Loss Surgeries

More U.S. Kids, Teens Are Getting Weight-Loss Surgeries

As obesity rises among U.S. kids and teens, the number of weight-loss surgeries is growing, too.

Metabolic and bariatric surgeries among 10- to 19-year-olds rose by nearly 20% between 2020 and 2021, after climbing since 2016, a new study finds.

The jump is esp...

10 May
Overweight Boys May Be Grow Up to Be Less Fertile Men

Overweight Boys May Be Grow Up to Be Less Fertile Men

Men who were overweight as boys may have infertility issues in adulthood, according to new research.

Researchers studying the issue of male infertility, often a mystery, looked at health data from 268 young people between 2 and 18 years of age. They had been referred to ...

29 Mar
Could COVID in Pregnancy Raise Odds for Obese Kids?

Could COVID in Pregnancy Raise Odds for Obese Kids?

The consequences of COVID-19 during pregnancy are still unfolding, but a new study delivers sobering news: Prenatal exposure to the virus may be linked to childhood obesity.

Looking at nearly 280 infants, researchers found those whose mothers had COVID while pregnant h...

27 Mar
Sleep Apnea in Childhood Could Affect Developing Brain

Sleep Apnea in Childhood Could Affect Developing Brain

Teenagers with the nighttime breathing disorder sleep apnea may have brains that look a little different from their peers', a new study suggests.

Researchers found that among nearly 100 teens who underwent brain scans, those with obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) tended to h...

15 Mar
Even a Little Extra Weight Can Raise Kids' Odds for High Blood Pressure

Even a Little Extra Weight Can Raise Kids' Odds for High Blood Pressure

Even modest weight gain above the average puts kids at risk for high blood pressure, new research shows.

"Hypertension during youth tracks into adulthood and is associated with cardiac and vascular organ damage," said lead study author

14 Feb
Healthier School Meals Program Led to Less Overweight Kids: Study

Healthier School Meals Program Led to Less Overweight Kids: Study

More than a decade ago, the Obama administration passed the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 as a way to counter the toll the obesity epidemic was taking on children's health.

The goal was to markedly improve the nutritional value of federal food programs that regul...

09 Jan
Leading Pediatricians' Group Calls for More Aggressive Treatment of Childhood Obesity

Leading Pediatricians' Group Calls for More Aggressive Treatment of Childhood Obesity

A leading pediatricians' group has issued new guidelines on treating obesity in children and teens that, for the first time, call for early, aggressive intervention that can include weight-loss drugs and surgery.

"There is no evidence that 'watchful waiting' or delayed t...

21 Nov
Words Can Wound When Parents Talk to Kids About Obesity

Words Can Wound When Parents Talk to Kids About Obesity

With U.S. health officials calling childhood obesity a public health crisis, conversations about weight are important. But what you say to your kids can be challenging, and even counterproductive, a new study found.

"Body weight is a sensitive issue and the way we talk a...

14 Nov
Binge Eating Disorder Looks Different in Brains of Boys and Girls

Binge Eating Disorder Looks Different in Brains of Boys and Girls

The brains of girls and boys who have binge eating disorder show key differences, according to a new study.

That's an important finding, researchers say, because both gender...

24 Oct
Sleep-Deprived Kids Will Snack More: Study

Sleep-Deprived Kids Will Snack More: Study

Experts studying kids' sleep and eating habits have learned more about a potential reason for childhood obesity.

Kids who are deprived of sleep tend to eat more calories the next day, researchers found. And some of those extra calories come from less-healthy, sugar-laden...

08 Aug
Global Warming Will Mean More Unfit, Unhealthy Kids Worldwide: Study

Global Warming Will Mean More Unfit, Unhealthy Kids Worldwide: Study

Children are not as physically fit as their parents were when they were kids, and this will likely harm them as the Earth warms, new research claims.

The findings are based on a comprehensive review of more ...

25 Jul
Obesity Rates Continue to Climb Among U.S. Kids, Teens

Obesity Rates Continue to Climb Among U.S. Kids, Teens

For the first time ever, more than 1 in 5 American kids is obese.

From 2011 to 2012 and again from 2017 to 2020, rates of obesity rose for kids between 2 and 5 years of age as well as 12- to 19-year-olds, a new analysis of nationwide health survey data shows. And the upt...

06 Jul
About 1 in 7 U.S. Kindergarten Kids Now Obese

About 1 in 7 U.S. Kindergarten Kids Now Obese

Despite reports that rates of childhood obesity are decreasing, kids seem to be packing on pounds at younger ages.

In 1998, just under 73% of children entering kindergarten in 1998 had a normal body mass index (BMI), while 15.1% were overweight, and 12% were obese.


18 May
Most Day Care Programs Don't Give Kids Enough Exercise

Most Day Care Programs Don't Give Kids Enough Exercise

Rates of childhood obesity in the United States are soaring, and new research suggests child care programs may be part of the problem.

Most tots in these programs aren't getting nearly enough exercise.

National guidance for child care programs calls for providing a...

04 May
Obesity May Be Affecting Heart Health in Kids as Young as 6

Obesity May Be Affecting Heart Health in Kids as Young as 6

As early as age 6, children who carry extra weight could be headed down a path toward future diabetes or heart disease, a new study suggests.

The study, of nearly...

30 Apr
Emotional Eating in Kids: How Much of It Is Mom's Fault?

Emotional Eating in Kids: How Much of It Is Mom's Fault?

If a mother reaches for cakes, chocolates or other snacks when she's feeling down, her children could become emotional eaters as well.

Kids' chances of becoming emotional eaters are shaped by both their natural eating tendencies and their parent's influence, according to...

20 Dec
Many Overweight Kids Already Have Hardened Arteries, Diabetes

Many Overweight Kids Already Have Hardened Arteries, Diabetes

If your children struggle with their weight, new research suggests they may also suffer from diseases once seen only in adults.

Stiffening of the arteries, which can lead to early heart attacks and strokes, and type 2 diabetes were found in many of the more than 600 obes...

19 Nov
Pandemic Curbed Kids' Efforts to Lose Excess Weight

Pandemic Curbed Kids' Efforts to Lose Excess Weight

A new study is highlighting yet another consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic: It has likely made it even harder for kids with obesity to manage their weight.

The findings, researchers sai...

19 Nov
Almost 1 in Every 3 College-Age Americans Are Now Obese

Almost 1 in Every 3 College-Age Americans Are Now Obese

It's probably fair to say that most people know of the so-called "Freshman 15" -- the weight that college students are often said to gain when they're away from home for the first time.

But in recent decades, matters have gotten much worse in the United States. A new stu...

22 Oct
Good Sleep May Help Babies Avoid Obesity as They Grow

Good Sleep May Help Babies Avoid Obesity as They Grow

You've probably heard that getting better sleep can be good for your waistline. The same appears to be true for your baby.

Newborns who get more sleep and wake up less during the night are less likely to become overweight in infancy, according to a just-published study.<...

28 Sep
Weight Loss Surgery a Good Option for Severely Obese Kids: Study

Weight Loss Surgery a Good Option for Severely Obese Kids: Study

Severely obese children who are unable to slim down should be eligible for weight loss surgery, a new study suggests.

The gastric sleeve procedure is safe and effective long-term, said a research team that followed participants as young as 5 for a decade.


17 Sep
Child Obesity Rose Sharply During Pandemic

Child Obesity Rose Sharply During Pandemic

Childhood obesity was a worrisome issue before the pandemic, and now it's alarmingly worse, new data shows.

A U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention study found a "profound increase in weight gain for kids" that is "substantial and alarming," Dr. Alyson Goodman,...

31 Aug
Kids Piled on Extra Pounds During Pandemic

Kids Piled on Extra Pounds During Pandemic

New research confirms the pandemic has not been good for the waistlines of children.

During lockdowns, American kids gained more weight than before the pandemic, and the number who became obese also increased, researchers report.

"This increased weight gain occurre...

10 Aug
U.S. Kids Are Eating More 'Ultraprocessed' Foods

U.S. Kids Are Eating More 'Ultraprocessed' Foods

Frozen burgers, pizza pockets and toaster strudel. Energy drinks and sugary sodas. Fruit leather and potato chips. Cookies and cereal bars. Fish sticks and chicken strips.

These sorts of quick-pick manufactured foods are considered "ultraprocessed," and dietitians believ...