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Results for search "Pollution, Air".

26 Sep

Pollution from Wildfire Smoke May Be Impacting Kids’ Mental Health

Children exposed to unsafe levels of fine particulate matter through wildfires and other extreme forms of air pollution face an increased risk of depression, anxiety and other internalizing symptoms, a new study finds.

Health News Results - 148

03 Oct
Air Pollution Could Be Changing Children's Brains

Air Pollution Could Be Changing Children's Brains

Even air pollution levels considered safe by U.S. standards appear to cause differences in the brains of growing children, a new review suggests.

"We're seeing differences in brain outcomes between children with higher levels of pollution exposure versus lower levels of ...

19 Sep
Stroke Kills 7 Million Worldwide Each Year, and Deaths Are Rising

Stroke Kills 7 Million Worldwide Each Year, and Deaths Are Rising

Climate change and worsening diets are sending global rates of stroke and stroke deaths skyward, a new study warns.

Almost 12 million people worldwide had a stroke in 2021, up 70% since 1990, according to a team led by ...

18 Sep
Buildup of Metals in Body Can Worsen Heart Disease

Buildup of Metals in Body Can Worsen Heart Disease

Cadmium, uranium, cobalt: These and other metals found in the environment can collect in the body and exacerbate heart disease, new research suggests.

"Our fi...

16 Sep
Polluting Puff: Asthma Inhalers Are Big Contributors to Climate Change

Polluting Puff: Asthma Inhalers Are Big Contributors to Climate Change

Tiny puffs from asthma inhalers could be causing big climate problems for Mother Earth, a new study warns.

Each inhaler dose contains some of the most potent greenhouse gases known, and the...

05 Sep
Dirty Air Could Harm Men's Fertility, Noise Could Harm Women's

Dirty Air Could Harm Men's Fertility, Noise Could Harm Women's

City living may be tough on couples wanting to conceive: New data shows that air pollution appears to be linked to lower fertility in men, while noisy traffic could harm the fertility of women.

“If our results are confirmed in future studies, it suggests that polit...

26 Aug
Americans Are Moving Away From Polluted Areas -- If They Can Afford To

Americans Are Moving Away From Polluted Areas -- If They Can Afford To

Americans of means are fleeing heavily polluted places in the United States for cleaner locales, a new study has found.

Pollution levels are a factor in families’ decision to move within the United States, but only richer households can afford to move to areas with...

06 Aug
Too Much Fun? Fireworks Displays Quickly Harm Air Quality

Too Much Fun? Fireworks Displays Quickly Harm Air Quality

Fireworks displays can cause worse air quality than wildfire smoke, a new study reveals.

About 60,000 firework shells exploded over Manhattan’s East River as part of Macy’s Fourth of July show in 2023, researchers said.

The colorful bursts caused air ...

06 Aug
How Wildfire Smoke Could Be Harming Surgical Patients

How Wildfire Smoke Could Be Harming Surgical Patients

Wildfire smoke could interfere with the safety of surgeries, a new study warns.

Inhaling the smoke could complicate the effects of anesthesia on surgical patients, and it also might hamper their recovery, researchers reported Aug. 6 in the journal Anesthesiology...

01 Aug
14 Risk Factors Raise Your Odds for Odds for Dementia

14 Risk Factors Raise Your Odds for Odds for Dementia

New research has added two conditions to the list of 12 risk factors that boost the chances of a dementia diagnosis.

The good news? You can guard against the development of both and researchers offer advice on exactly how to do that.

In a study published Wednesday ...

01 Aug
Wildfire Smoke Exposure Linked With Higher Dementia Risk

Wildfire Smoke Exposure Linked With Higher Dementia Risk

The wildfires thats are increasing with climate change could harm the future brain health of humanity, a new study suggests.

Wildfire smoke appears to increase people’s risk of a

26 Jul
Athletes Can Expect High Ozone, Pollen Counts for Paris Olympics

Athletes Can Expect High Ozone, Pollen Counts for Paris Olympics

Bad news for Olympians headed to Paris -- high levels of ozone pollution and grass pollen are likely during the upcoming games if hot, sunny weather prevails, researchers said.

Ozone levels in Paris and its environs tend to exceed World Health Organization (WHO) recommen...

25 Jul
Wildfires in Western U.S., Canada Create Hazardous Air Conditions

Wildfires in Western U.S., Canada Create Hazardous Air Conditions

Wildfires raging in several states and Canada are triggering air quality alerts and evacuation orders across the western parts of the United States.

Smoke and haze have filled the skies in California, Oregon, Arizona, Washington and several other western states: As of We...

24 Jul
Huge Warehouses Can Create Unhealthy Neighborhoods

Huge Warehouses Can Create Unhealthy Neighborhoods

Online retail giants like Amazon have made it easier for people to buy what they want when they want it, but that convenience comes at a cost to people’s health, a new study says.

Huge warehouses that support online shopping increase air pollution in the neighborh...

08 Jul
Air Pollution Exposure Tied to 40% Drop in Live Births Among IVF Patients

Air Pollution Exposure Tied to 40% Drop in Live Births Among IVF Patients

Exposure to air pollution can significantly reduce the odds of in vitro fertilization (IVF) leading to a live birth, a new study says.

The odds of a live birth are near...

28 Jun
Childhood Exposure to Air Pollution May Trigger Bronchitis Years Later

Childhood Exposure to Air Pollution May Trigger Bronchitis Years Later

Exposure to air pollution as a child increases an adult's risk of bronchitis, a new study warns.

Young adults with bronchitis symptoms tended to have been exposed du...

12 Jun
9/11 Responders May Face Higher Odds for Dementia

9/11 Responders May Face Higher Odds for Dementia

After helping America through one of its worst tragedies, some responders to the events of 9/11 may now face another foe: Heightened risks for dementia.

A new study lo...

11 Jun
Many Louisiana Residents May Be Exposed to Sky-High Levels of Toxic Gas

Many Louisiana Residents May Be Exposed to Sky-High Levels of Toxic Gas

Many Louisiana residents are being exposed to a cancer-causing toxic gas that's used in industrial settings, researchers report.

A cutting-edge mobile...

22 May
Health Savings Could Near $250,000 When Electric School Bus Replaces Diesel

Health Savings Could Near $250,000 When Electric School Bus Replaces Diesel

It might be hoped that replacing a diesel school bus with a clean electric model would pay off for health and the environment.

New research suggests that it does -- and gives a dollar figure for that payoff.

Replacing a diesel bus with a clean electric model yield...

03 May
Gas Stoves Could Leave Your Lungs Vulnerable to Nitrogen Dioxide

Gas Stoves Could Leave Your Lungs Vulnerable to Nitrogen Dioxide

People in homes with gas or propane stoves regularly breathe in unhealthy levels of nitrogen dioxide, a new study says.

Typical use of these stoves increases exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) by an estimated 4 parts per billion, averaged over a year, researchers report....

24 Apr
Almost 40% of Americans Live With Dirty Air: Report

Almost 40% of Americans Live With Dirty Air: Report

Nearly 40% of Americans live where the air is polluted enough to harm them, a new report warns.

In the American Lung Association's "State of the Air"report, released Wednesday, the number of people living with...

22 Apr
EPA Designates Two 'Forever Chemicals' as Hazardous

EPA Designates Two 'Forever Chemicals' as Hazardous

Two common PFAS "forever chemicals" have been deemed hazardous substances by the Environmental Protection Agency.

The new designation, enacted under the country's

20 Mar
Roadside Trees, Bushes Are Cutting Air Pollution, Study Finds

Roadside Trees, Bushes Are Cutting Air Pollution, Study Finds

Planting trees and bushes near busy highways helps clear the air of harmful air pollutants from motor vehicles, new research affirms.

"They provide benefits that go beyond aesthetics," Roby Greenwald, an ...

14 Mar
There Are Multiple Child Asthma Triggers in Dirty Air

There Are Multiple Child Asthma Triggers in Dirty Air

There's a toxic stew of chemicals in polluted air that can all trigger asthma attacks in kids, new research shows.

Also, where a child lives -- for example, near factories or highways -- greatly influences how much they're exposed to these toxins, reports a team from Was...

07 Mar
Living Near Green Spaces Could Strengthen Your Bones

Living Near Green Spaces Could Strengthen Your Bones

Living close to trees and other greenery could be keeping your bones strong, a new 12-year study suggests.

Folks whose residences were near spots deemed "green" by satellite imagery tended to have better bone density than those who lived elsewhere, Chinese researchers fo...

06 Mar
Dirty Air Increasingly Affects Minority Communities

Dirty Air Increasingly Affects Minority Communities

Air pollution harms the health of everyone exposed to it, but a new study says communities of color are disproportionately harmed by dirty air.

Smog causes nearly 8 times higher childhood asthma rates and 1.3 times higher risk of premature death among minority communitie...

22 Feb
Dirty Air Could Be Raising Your Alzheimer's Risk

Dirty Air Could Be Raising Your Alzheimer's Risk

People exposed to high levels of traffic-related air pollution are more likely to have more amyloid plaques in their brain, a condition associated with Alzheimer's disease, a new study finds.

Seniors were nearly twice as likely to have more amyloid plaques if, in the yea...

21 Feb
Move to Electric Vehicles Could Prevent Millions of Child Asthma Attacks Each Year

Move to Electric Vehicles Could Prevent Millions of Child Asthma Attacks Each Year

If all cars and trucks sold in America were "zero emission" by 2040 and the country's electric grid was also powered by clean energy, nearly 2.8 million child asthma attacks would be prevented annually, a new report finds.

The American Lung Association (ALA)

16 Feb
Despite the Evidence, Nearly 15% of Americans Deny Climate Change

Despite the Evidence, Nearly 15% of Americans Deny Climate Change

Nearly 15% of Americans still deny that climate change is real, according to a new national assessment from the University of Michigan.

Evidence of climate change has been mounting, including science which has shown that climate-related natural disasters are growing in f...

13 Feb
A Quarter of Americans Breathe 'Unhealthy Air,' Report Shows

A Quarter of Americans Breathe 'Unhealthy Air,' Report Shows

Few can forget the haunting images of New York City bathed in a thick orange smog after smoke from Canadian wildfires swept southward last summer.

Now, a new report<...

09 Feb
Biden Administration to Tighten Air Pollution Standards

Biden Administration to Tighten Air Pollution Standards

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has announced that it is cracking down on air pollution.

Specifically, the agency introduced a tougher air quality standard that takes aim at fine particulate matter -- the tiny bits of pollution that can penetrate the lungs -- by...

30 Jan
Ozone-Linked Deaths on the Rise Globally

Ozone-Linked Deaths on the Rise Globally

Deaths related to ozone air pollution will rise significantly around the world during the next two decades due to climate change, a new study warns.

Cities in North America, Europe, Asia, Australia and Africa can expect to see ozone-related deaths increase by as many as ...

17 Jan
American Air Is Getting Cleaner, But Benefits Aren't Reaching All

American Air Is Getting Cleaner, But Benefits Aren't Reaching All

An American's income and ethnicity could play a role in how clean the air is that they breathe, a new study finds.

Air pollution emissions have fallen more in wealthier areas, and less in areas with larger Hispanic or American Indian populations.

Overall, U.S. air ...

05 Dec
Wildfires Are Undoing Gains Made Against Air Pollution

Wildfires Are Undoing Gains Made Against Air Pollution

Unhealthy air from wildfires is causing hundreds of additional deaths in the western United States every year, a new study claims.

Wildfires have undercut progress made in cleaning America's air, and between 2000 and 2020 caused an increase of 670 premature deaths each y...

29 Nov
Commuting on a Highway? Your Blood Pressure May Pay a Price

Commuting on a Highway? Your Blood Pressure May Pay a Price

It's not just bumper-to-bumper highway traffic that's causing your blood pressure to spike during your daily commute.

New research shows that the exhaust fumes spewing from all those vehicles triggers a significant increase in car passengers' blood pressure.

The ob...

27 Nov
Breathing in Coal-Based Pollution Could Be Especially Deadly: Study

Breathing in Coal-Based Pollution Could Be Especially Deadly: Study

When it comes to the ultra-fine particles you may breathe in from polluted air, all is not created equal as it affects your health.

Fine particle pollutants known PM2.5 -- particles that are 2.5 microns or less in diameter -- appear to double the risk for premature death...

21 Nov
Most Americans Know Little About Harmful PFAS 'Forever Chemicals'

Most Americans Know Little About Harmful PFAS 'Forever Chemicals'

Nearly half of Americans have never heard of health-threatening PFAS "forever chemicals,"a new survey has found.

PFAS (perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances) are a category of thousands of manufactured chemicals that have become an emerging concern to environment...

15 Nov
Air Pollution Exposure Before Birth May Harm Reproductive Development: Study

Air Pollution Exposure Before Birth May Harm Reproductive Development: Study

Air pollution could be harming the development of children, reaching into the womb to alter their healthy growth, a new study reports.

Researchers say certain air pollutants appear to negatively alter a specific measure of prenatal exposure to hormones.

"These find...

07 Nov
Wildfire Smoke Raises Risks for Folks on Dialysis

Wildfire Smoke Raises Risks for Folks on Dialysis

Exposure to wildfire-related air pollution in western states has taken its toll on U.S. patients who are on dialysis.

New research linked it to elevated risks of ho...

16 Oct
Car Exhaust Could Harm a Woman's Pregnancy

Car Exhaust Could Harm a Woman's Pregnancy

Air pollution from heavy traffic may be driving pregnancy complications and health concerns for infants.

Researchers who matched more than 60,000 birth records with air-monitoring data found that pregnant patients living in an urban area with elevated levels of nitrogen ...

28 Sep
Smoggy Days Raise Short-Term Odds for Stroke

Smoggy Days Raise Short-Term Odds for Stroke

Exposure to air pollution, even for just a short time, drives up your risk of having a stroke over the next few days, new research warns.

That conclusion stems from a review of 110 studies conducted across Asia, Europe and the Americas.

Depending on the specific n...

21 Sep
Wildfire Smoke Pollution a Growing Global Threat

Wildfire Smoke Pollution a Growing Global Threat

More people around the world are exposed to wildfire smoke that has the potential to harm human health, and their numbers are growing, new research finds.

More than 2 billion people are exposed to at least one day of potentially health-impacting wildfire smoke each year...

20 Sep
Wildfire Smoke Is Reversing Recent Clean-Air Gains Across the U.S.

Wildfire Smoke Is Reversing Recent Clean-Air Gains Across the U.S.

When Canadian wildfire smoke shrouded the New York City skyline and spread to parts of New England this summer, millions of East Coast residents saw firsthand just how pervasive it can be.

Now, a new study quantifies exactly what wildfire smoke is doing to hard-fought ga...

13 Sep
Dirty Air Could Raise Breast Cancer Risk

Dirty Air Could Raise Breast Cancer Risk

Air pollution has long been known to harm the heart and lungs, but new research suggests it might also raise the risk of breast cancer.

Researchers at the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) discovered ...

11 Sep
Could Wildfire Smoke Raise Rural Suicide Rates?

Could Wildfire Smoke Raise Rural Suicide Rates?

As this summer has shown, the massive smoke plumes generated by wildfires can dirty the air of regions many miles away. Now a new study is raising the question of whether that pollution is contributing to suicides in rural America.

Researchers found a correlation between...

25 Aug
Canadian Wildfire Smoke Caused Spikes in Asthma-Related ER Visits Across the U.S.

Canadian Wildfire Smoke Caused Spikes in Asthma-Related ER Visits Across the U.S.

Smoke from Canadian wildfires sent high numbers of people suffering from asthma attacks to America's emergency rooms this spring and summer, according to two new reports.

From April 30 to August 4, 2023, smoke from out-of-control wildfires in Canada increased emergency ...

24 Aug
Canadian Wildfire Smoke's Health Impact on NYC  Residents May Have Been Less Than Feared

Canadian Wildfire Smoke's Health Impact on NYC  Residents May Have Been Less Than Feared

Living through days of smoky air from Canadian wildfires in June was unpleasant for New York City residents, but new data shows it wasn't as immediately concerning for their lungs as feared.

The research finds breathing-related hospital visits weren't much worse in the c...

15 Aug
Living With Air Pollution Raises Chances of Dementia, Study Finds

Living With Air Pollution Raises Chances of Dementia, Study Finds

People who daily breathe in air pollution, particularly from wildfires or agricultural sources, might need to add a heightened risk of dementia to their list of health concerns.


10 Aug
Air Pollution Is Causing Rise in Deaths, Disability Worldwide

Air Pollution Is Causing Rise in Deaths, Disability Worldwide

The heart risks posed by air pollution have grown worldwide over the past three decades, a new study claims.

The annual number of premature heart-related deaths and years of disability attributable to particulate matter (PM) air pollution increased 31% between 1990 and 2...

09 Aug
Breathing Dirty Air Raises Odds for Wide Range of Cancers

Breathing Dirty Air Raises Odds for Wide Range of Cancers

New research links air pollution to a variety of cancers, not just lung cancer.

Long-term exposure to fine-particulate air pollutants (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) may also increase the risk of developing colon, prostate and other cancers, researchers found.


08 Aug
Polluted Air Linked to Dangerous Antibiotic Resistance

Polluted Air Linked to Dangerous Antibiotic Resistance

Doctors who overprescribe antibiotics are often blamed for medication-resistant illnesses, but new research points to another potential culprit: air pollution.

Controlling air pollution could reduce antibiotic resistance, greatly reducing deaths and economic costs, accor...

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