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Results for search "Sleep Problems: Misc.".

Health News Results - 161

11 Oct
Narcolepsy Drug Might Be New Treatment Option for ADHD

Narcolepsy Drug Might Be New Treatment Option for ADHD

A medication already approved for excessive daytime sleepiness may help ease attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) symptoms in adults who aren't getting relief from available treatments, according to a small pilot study.

Solriamfetol is a nonstimulant drug...

11 Oct
Job Worries Are Keeping Americans Awake at Night: Survey

Job Worries Are Keeping Americans Awake at Night: Survey

Americans are losing sleep over worries about money, a new survey reveals.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) polled abo...

09 Oct
Want to Lower Your Odds for Long COVID? Get More Sleep

Want to Lower Your Odds for Long COVID? Get More Sleep

One way to help lower the odds for long COVID in people with pre-existing conditions may be to get more sleep.

A new study discovered the risk was lower in those who slept six to nine hours a night compared to "short sleepers" who snoozed less.

"Habitual short nigh...

27 Sep
Timing of Hot Flashes Could Give Clues to Alzheimer's Risk

Timing of Hot Flashes Could Give Clues to Alzheimer's Risk

Hot flashes and night sweats top the list of bothersome symptoms for women going through menopause.

Now, a new study suggests that hot flashes, especially during sleep, may be more than a nuisance: They may foreshadow Alzheimer's disease.

And the more hot fla...

27 Sep
What Is 'Sexsomnia'? And 'Sleep Eating'? Can They Be Treated?

What Is 'Sexsomnia'? And 'Sleep Eating'? Can They Be Treated?

Everyone's seen a movie or TV show featuring someone sleepwalking -- eyes half-lidded, bumbling around, tripping over furniture.

But sleepwalkers are actually capable of much more complex behaviors during their restless slumber, a new paper says.

During sleep some ...

13 Sep
7 Lifestyle Factors Help Keep Depression at Bay

7 Lifestyle Factors Help Keep Depression at Bay

A healthy lifestyle -- especially getting enough sleep -- may offer substantial protection against depression, new research suggests.

The study, of more than 287,000 British adults, found that several lifestyle factors seemed to curb the risk of developing depression ove...

12 Sep
'Night Owls' Are Often Less Healthy, Upping Diabetes Risk

'Night Owls' Are Often Less Healthy, Upping Diabetes Risk

Staying up late comes naturally to some folks, whether they're working or relaxing deep into the night.

But being a night owl might come at a cost to one's health.

People who are night owls have a higher risk than early birds of becoming diabetic, a new study has f...

09 Sep
Melatonin for Kids: Is it Safe? How to Help School Children Get Good Sleep

Melatonin for Kids: Is it Safe? How to Help School Children Get Good Sleep

Lots of parents are giving their children the supplement melatonin to help with sleep, but is it safe?

In a new survey, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) found that 46% of parents -- what it called a "shocking number"-- have given melatonin to children under...

01 Sep
Better Sleep, Less Stress-Linked 'Acting Out' in Kids

Better Sleep, Less Stress-Linked 'Acting Out' in Kids

If your child is acting out and you're looking for solutions, researchers at the University of Georgia's Youth Development Institute suggest better sleep might be the answer.

Getting more hours of slumber could reduce impulsive behavior in kids, their new study showed.

19 Aug
The #1 Enemy of Good Sleep for School Kids: Screens

The #1 Enemy of Good Sleep for School Kids: Screens

Video games and social media are keeping school kids up at night, according to a new survey from the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM).

But so, too, are more constructive pursuits, including homework and extracurricular activities, which can be a problem when it ...

13 Aug
Help Kids Hit 'Reset' on Sleep as They Head Back to School

Help Kids Hit 'Reset' on Sleep as They Head Back to School

Keeping to a consistent bedtime routine is the key to helping your kids get restful and refreshing sleep.

Fortunately, about 81% of parents with kids under 18 surveyed by the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) say that's happening in their house.

The AASM of...

11 Aug
Bad Sleep Can Harm Your Heart, and Weekend 'Catch-Up' Sleep Won't Help

Bad Sleep Can Harm Your Heart, and Weekend 'Catch-Up' Sleep Won't Help

Poor sleep takes a toll, and catching up on the weekends just won't fix it, researchers report.

A small new study showed that heart rate and blood pressure, important measures of cardiovascular health, worsen as the week goes on when someone sleeps only about five hours ...

11 Aug
Obesity a Key Factor When Kids Develop Sleep Apnea

Obesity a Key Factor When Kids Develop Sleep Apnea

Childhood obesity is concerning for many reasons, among them that the severity of the sleep disorder known as obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) grows with obesity levels and age.


13 Jul
In the Name of Better Slumber, a Third of American Couples Choose 'Sleep Divorce'

In the Name of Better Slumber, a Third of American Couples Choose 'Sleep Divorce'

More than one-third of coupled Americans who want better sleep are opting for a "sleep divorce."

They're not actually divorcing, but sleeping in another room so that they each sleep better.

"We know that poor sleep can worsen your mood, and those who are sleep dep...

07 Jul
Exercise + Good Sleep Best Combo for Aging Brains

Exercise + Good Sleep Best Combo for Aging Brains

Getting regular exercise can help protect against mental decline in an aging brain. But poor sleep can take away those benefits.

A new s...

06 Jul
Sleep a Key Defense for Black Americans at Genetic Risk for Alzheimer's

Sleep a Key Defense for Black Americans at Genetic Risk for Alzheimer's

A lot of experts advise getting a good night's sleep. For Black Americans who have a gene variant linked to Alzheimer's disease, that rest could be protective, a new study says.

"This new finding suggests that someone with a high-risk variant might be able to over...

23 Jun
What's Really Killing the 'Night Owls'?

What's Really Killing the 'Night Owls'?

It's not the late nights, but the smoking and drinking that happen during those late nights, that are killing people who are "night owls"earlier in life, a new study claims.

Researchers studied twins in Finland for 37 years, looking at different chronotypes, the body's n...

19 Jun
Sleep Troubles Tied to Suicidal Thoughts in Teens

Sleep Troubles Tied to Suicidal Thoughts in Teens

It is already known that getting enough sleep is vital to good health, but now new research suggests that having a sleep disorder is linked to suicidal thoughts in children, teens and young adults.

Treating these sleep issues could be an inroad to improving their mental ...

12 Jun
Going to Bed a Little Earlier Greatly Increases Total Sleep Time for Teens

Going to Bed a Little Earlier Greatly Increases Total Sleep Time for Teens

Going to bed earlier is one way for teens to get the sleep they need, new research suggests.

That may be easier said than done, the researchers admitted. But their study shows that if you can get teens to go to bed earlier, they will increase their time asleep by 41 minu...

08 Jun
Insomnia Might Raise Your Odds for Stroke

Insomnia Might Raise Your Odds for Stroke

After many nights of tossing and turning, you might have more to worry about than just feeling exhausted and less sharp at work.

Insomnia symptoms -- trouble getting to sleep or staying asleep, or waking up too early -- are also associated with higher risk of stroke...

30 May
One Key to Good Sleep for Teens: No Social Media at Bedtime

One Key to Good Sleep for Teens: No Social Media at Bedtime

Teens need their sleep, and a new study sheds light on one way to help them get it: Keep cellphones and screens out of the bedroom.

"Getting enough sleep is crucial for teenagers because it helps their body and mind grow and develop properly,"said lead author

25 May
Research Helps Uncover Causes of SIDS

Research Helps Uncover Causes of SIDS

Researchers have found another clue as to why some infants die suddenly in their sleep, and it's related to a faulty chemical receptor in the brainstem.

Experts said the findings provide another puzzle piece in understanding the root causes of sudden infant death syndro...

15 May
Looking for Inspiration? A Short Nap Might Help

Looking for Inspiration? A Short Nap Might Help

Lightbulb inventor Thomas Edison believed a little shuteye could boost his creativity. Contemporary scientists think the iconic innovator was on to something.

But timing is key, they say.

"We found a strong effect of 'sleep onset' on creativity,"said study aut...

11 May
Scans Suggest Sleep Apnea Could Be Harming Your Brain

Scans Suggest Sleep Apnea Could Be Harming Your Brain

Poor sleep brought on by sleep apnea may ultimately undermine the brain health of older men and women, new research suggests.

The concern stems from a new brain scan investigation that involved 140 sleep apnea patients.

"Sleep apnea is a medical condition in which ...

05 May
Deep Sleep Might Be a Buffer Against Alzheimer's-Linked Memory Loss

Deep Sleep Might Be a Buffer Against Alzheimer's-Linked Memory Loss

Getting good sleep is an important part of wellness for many reasons, but new research suggests deep sleep may even guard against memory loss linked to Alzheimer's.

While disrupted sleep has been linked with accumulating beta-amyloid plaques in the brain faster, scientis...

04 May
Clocks Forward, Clocks Back: How Does Your Sleep Suffer?

Clocks Forward, Clocks Back: How Does Your Sleep Suffer?

Changing the clocks every spring and fall might seem challenging, but a new study reveals that only one of those changes had a tendency to increase sleep disorders.

The transition from daylight saving time to standard time in the fall -- when people gain one hour overnig...

03 May
Living Near an Airport Could Mess With Your Sleep

Living Near an Airport Could Mess With Your Sleep

Add airplane noise to the list of issues keeping people up at night, at least for those who live near U.S. airports.

Researchers found that exposure to airplane sounds -- even at moderate levels -- increased the odds of short sleep.

They reported that people expose...

27 Apr
Midday Naps & Health: How Long You Nap May Be Key

Midday Naps & Health: How Long You Nap May Be Key

If you're longing for a nap, try to keep it short.

Researchers found that siestas of 30 minutes or more in Murcia, a region of Spain, where it's common to nap, were linked to a higher risk of obesity, a group of conditions called metabolic syndrome and high blood press...

25 Apr
Supplements Can Contain Far More Melatonin Than Is Safe, Upping Odds for Illness

Supplements Can Contain Far More Melatonin Than Is Safe, Upping Odds for Illness

When U.S. health officials reported a 500% spike in the number of poison center calls involving kids eating melatonin gummies last year, Harvard researchers decided to take a closer look at the sleep supplements and discovered a disturbing fact: They contained up to 347% more ...

24 Apr
For Athletes, Diet Might Influence Sleep Patterns

For Athletes, Diet Might Influence Sleep Patterns

Need to get your shut-eye on time? What you eat could make a difference, according to a new study.

Researchers found that college athletes who ate more carbohydrates and vitamins B12 and C tended to go to sleep and wake up earlier.

It's possible that these nutrient...

21 Apr
In Small Study, Hints That a Sleeping Pill Might Help Prevent Alzheimer's

In Small Study, Hints That a Sleeping Pill Might Help Prevent Alzheimer's

Taking a particular sleep medication may help stave off Alzheimer's disease, but it's too soon to say for sure after a preliminary study.

Researchers at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis found that participants who took a sleeping pill called suvorexa...

17 Apr
Regular Sleep May Be Crucial for People Living With Schizophrenia

Regular Sleep May Be Crucial for People Living With Schizophrenia

Consistently good sleep is important for everyone, but it is particularly important for patients with schizophrenia, a new study suggests.

Researchers from the University of Pittsburgh, along with collaborators in Italy, used wrist monitors to measure activity and rest i...

14 Apr
Resident Doctors' Long Work Shifts Could Bring Peril to Patients

Resident Doctors' Long Work Shifts Could Bring Peril to Patients

Early-career doctors were more likely to make mistakes when they had long work weeks or extended shifts, new research reveals.

Their patients were also more likely to experience adverse events as a result, according to

13 Apr
Long Daytime Naps Might Raise Your Odds for A-Fib

Long Daytime Naps Might Raise Your Odds for A-Fib

Daytime naps longer than a half-hour appear to nearly double a person's risk of developing an irregular heartbeat, a new study reports.

People who nap 30 minutes or more a day have a 90% higher risk of developing the heart rhythm disorder atrial fibrillation (a-fib) than...

07 Apr
Sleep Troubles Common for Folks With Long COVID

Sleep Troubles Common for Folks With Long COVID

Four out of 10 people who have lingering health issues after COVID-19 infection can count bothersome sleep problems among them.

About 41% of those with so-called long COVID have moderate to severe sleep issues, according to new research from the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio....

06 Apr
When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night?

When Do Babies Sleep Through the Night?

Elation and exhaustion often go hand in hand when you're a parent to a baby.

When sleep starts to seem like a fantasy, it's good to know that the experts say there is a time when most babies will sleep through the night. Here, they share when that is, offer guidance on w...

06 Apr
Your Sleep Can Affect Your Stroke Risk

Your Sleep Can Affect Your Stroke Risk

Sleep problems -- from snoring to sleeping too much or too little -- may be associated with elevated stroke risk, researchers say.

Snorting during sleep, having poor quality of sleep and sleep apnea may also be linked with greater risk of stroke, according to study findi...

30 Mar
Early College Class Times Can Hurt Students' Grades

Early College Class Times Can Hurt Students' Grades

Early morning college classes can be a prescription for poor attendance and lower grades, a new study suggests.

But starting classes later boosted both, as students got more sleep, were more likely to attend and were less likely to be groggy, which leads to better g...

30 Mar
Migraines May Follow Daily Circadian Cycles, Study Shows

Migraines May Follow Daily Circadian Cycles, Study Shows

Your body's internal clock appears to play a big part in the time of day when severe headaches happen.

Migraines and cluster headaches have different characteristics and treatments, but experts have long noted that they share key features: Both are neurological diseases...

30 Mar
Living Near Noisy Traffic Might Raise Suicide Risk

Living Near Noisy Traffic Might Raise Suicide Risk

Living with a lot of transportation noise can increase your risk of suicide, new research suggests.

A study from Switzerland found that with every 10-decibel increase of average road traffic noise at home, risk for suicides rose by 4%. An association between railway nois...

27 Mar
Could Melatonin Ease Self-Harm in Kids?

Could Melatonin Ease Self-Harm in Kids?

For depressed or anxious children, taking melatonin may afford a good night's sleep and, as a result, lower the odds they will harm themselves, new research suggests.

The risk of self-harm increased before melatonin was prescribed and decreased by about half after kids s...

27 Mar
Insomnia, Sleep Apnea Rise in Women With MS

Insomnia, Sleep Apnea Rise in Women With MS

While thinking declines can be a common symptom of multiple sclerosis in women, new research suggests sleep, or lack of it, could be making matters worse.

"Sleep disorders have gained substantial recognition for their role in cognitive [thinking] decline, which affects u...

17 Mar
Pets in the Bedroom? Your Sleep Might Suffer, Study Finds

Pets in the Bedroom? Your Sleep Might Suffer, Study Finds

If your bedtime routine includes snuggling up with your Boston terrier or lulling yourself to sleep to the gentle purrs of your calico cat, you might want to rethink it.

Pets can offer a sense of security and comfort, but sharing a bed with them may lead to wakeful night...

15 Mar
Why Do I Sleep So Much? Reasons for Oversleeping

Why Do I Sleep So Much? Reasons for Oversleeping

Your eyes close and your mind shuts down the second your head hits the pillow, but you wake up 10 hours later still feeling tired.

Many people complain about sleeping too little, but some struggle with the opposite problem: oversleeping.

Oversleeping, or hyper...

14 Mar
A Good Night's Sleep Could Give Your Vaccine a Boost

A Good Night's Sleep Could Give Your Vaccine a Boost

It may be possible to nudge your vaccine to work a little better. The trick is a good night's sleep.

Sleep helps the immune system respond to vaccination, according to a new meta-analysis of past research, published March 13 in Current Biology.

In it, rese...

13 Mar
What are the Best Sleeping Positions for a More Comfortable Day

What are the Best Sleeping Positions for a More Comfortable Day

If you were asked your favorite sleep position, you'd probably be able to answer pretty quickly.

But it can be a little trickier to figure out the best sleeping position -- one that helps you reduce your aches and pains and maximize the enormous health benefits that

10 Mar
Is 6 Hours of Sleep Enough?

Is 6 Hours of Sleep Enough?

When work, parenting and a packed social schedule leave you little time for shut-eye, you might think that getting by on just six hours of sleep a night is a good compromise.

If so, you're not alone.

According to the

10 Mar
Clocks 'Spring Forward' on Sunday: Helping Your Kids Adjust

Clocks 'Spring Forward' on Sunday: Helping Your Kids Adjust

The annual shift to daylight saving time is a challenge for many parents, whose children may struggle with the change.

A pediatrics sleep medicine expert offers some tips for making springing forward a little easier for all ages.

"Whether it be jet lag, spring brea...

09 Mar
Should I Take Melatonin for Sleep? An Expert Has Answers

Should I Take Melatonin for Sleep? An Expert Has Answers

There's nothing worse than having trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Watching the time go from minutes to hours only stresses you out and decreases the chance of a good night's rest.

Is it time to try melatonin supplements, a popular sleep aid?

Plenty of fol...

09 Mar
Why Can't I Sleep? What Can I Do About It?

Why Can't I Sleep? What Can I Do About It?

Tossing and turning, waking up frequently or lying awake for hours is no laughing matter.

According to the National Sleep Foundation, the average adult should aim for seven ...